
2009年生肖運程-生肖屬狗 二○○九己丑年肖狗運程







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【二○○九己丑年肖猴運程】   屬猴的你,在鼠年裏並無驚喜收穫,做事時甚至更有被縛手縛腳、才華無處發揮的感覺。不過,踏入牛年,你的命宮裏有眾多吉星聚集,主有富貴吉祥、貴人指路、地位提升、家宅喜慶等美好事情發生。不過,你千萬不要驕傲自滿,因為在吉星的旁邊,仍有不少凶星窺伺,意圖在你得意忘形之時發動攻勢,令你陷入破敗之中。
【事業】   今年你得到「紫微」、「龍德」和「貴人」等大吉星照臨命宮,事業的發展將是眾生肖人士之冠,無人能及。打工的你向上司獻計,獲得接納,有機會發揮所長,做出令人刮目相看的成績,奠定了升職的基礎,可是,你的成就卻招來旁人妒忌,甚至有小人在你背後製造事端,阻礙你工作的進度,幸好你有敏捷的反應和異乎常人的洞察力,能夠在事故發生之前做好部署,令自己安然度過危機。
【財運】   吉星獻瑞,事業順遂,正財收入十分理想,打工的猴人甚至有額外的花紅獎金,可算是意料之外的喜訊;如果你是做生意的,今年的營業額可以錄得不錯的升幅。不過,吉星只利正財,而且流年命宮未有橫財星,所以你不宜寄望有天降橫財,只宜在喜慶日子小注耍麻雀或六合彩怡情,但賭博則萬萬不可,以防有失。另外,流年主猴人有失物和意料不及的破財事件,所以必須緊記財不可露眼。
【愛情】   除了「紫微」星主流年吉祥,為你帶來喜悅和順利的事情之外,另外又有一顆「天喜」星,主有喜慶事情。已婚的你,今年家宅興旺,將有添丁之喜,但男性猴人卻會陷於酒色的誘惑,也會因此而與丈夫或妻子發生爭執、意見。蜜運中的你,與愛侶相處十分和睦,溫馨甜蜜,令旁人羨慕,假如雙方戀愛成熟,可以考慮締結婚姻,一起組織家庭。如果你仍是單身的話,恭喜你!你將在今年找到理想的對象,享受愉快的愛情生活。
【健康】   雖然你有一級大吉星坐守牛年,但無奈凶星數目不少,部份更會衝擊健康,加上今年工作忙碌,身體容易感到疲累;部份男性猴人,因夜生活過多致令休息不足,以及因煙酒過多而使呼吸道抵抗力減弱,易受細菌感染,若能預早洞識問題,便要採取適當措施,減少無謂應酬,保持飲食均衡,盡量安排時間做運動,則患病機會自然降低,身體就更加安康了。
【二○○九己丑年天同錦囊】   工作順利,做事得心應手、事半功倍,對於猴人來說,牛年可說是洗脫霉氣、送舊迎新的好年頭,實在值得高興。不過,善用吉星者吉,反之卻會帶來厄運,所以今年你必須言行謙虛正直,規行矩步,若能多做善事,更可錦上添花,福祿多增,遇吉更吉,遇凶減凶。
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【二○○九己丑年肖羊運程】   羊人去年運勢凌厲,各方面都有很好的表現,希望你能把握好時機,為自己的事業闖出一片天,賺取豐厚的收入,與愛侶相處融洽,身體健康平安,度過了不平凡的鼠年。另外,更希望你沒有在順風順水的時年得意忘形,任性揮霍,令身邊沒有隔宿糧,因為踏入牛年,你與太歲相沖,運程動盪不堪,需要你以很大的努力,才可平伏風波,克服太歲帶來的障礙。
【事業】   流年沖太歲,事業難望有大成就,而且命宮沒有吉星助運,兼見凶星重重包圍,情況更加驚險。今年影響事業的凶星主要有「歲破」和「闌干」,顯示你的工作出現嚴重阻滯,除了個人做事欠順利,常常遭到困難或不獲上司信任外,在公司裏更有人事不和的問題,加深了工作的難度。另外,「豹尾」星令你間中失魂落魄,無法集中精神處理事務,影響表現。部分打工的羊人,今年會被老闆辭退,宜用心做事,及早防範。
【財運】   丑未相沖,諸事不順,事業難成,正財也不可奢望有重要進帳,更悲觀的想法是部分人連正職也失掉!今年你的命宮出現了一顆「破碎」凶星,也就是說,你將全法積聚財富,即使賺到金錢,也會因故耗掉,當然可能是你自己買東西花掉,但也有可能是因賭彩輸掉,或者其他意想不到的事故用去。總之流年財運不利,小心為盼!
【愛情】   流年沒有桃花星,但也沒有衝繫愛情的凶星,所以羊人在牛年的愛情運並不算太差,只是由於今年你經常表現心神恍惚,即使與伴侶相處時,也仿似魂遊太虛,令伴侶強烈不滿,因而影響大家感情。本來羊人的性格十分溫馴,但因為今年受到太歲的影響,所以脾氣變得較差,令人感覺不易相處,也令伴侶產生埋怨,宜檢討。
【健康】   在沖太歲的年頭,健康也屬一般。年紀較大的羊人,必須注意身體變化,不要以為小毛病不足為患,這可能是大病的先兆,所以有病要馬上看醫生,千萬不可拖延。如果你的年紀尚輕,則今年多見睡眠不足或睡眠質素欠佳,即使睡在床上也難入眠,致令日間精神不振,影響工作效率之餘,也令抵抗力下降。
【二○○九己丑年天同錦囊】   由於今年你正沖太歲,故此事業運和財運都非常動盪。在牛年裏,你最好保持低調作風,凡事忍耐,緊守工作崗位,避免轉工,也不宜遠行、探病、問喪,無論是公司或家居都不宜動土,如果無法控制前者,可考慮在公司裝修時申請放大假,便可避免觸動壞磁場,影響自己的運程。流年身體狀況平平,但長期病患者則須留意出現併發症,令健康惡化。   羊人在牛年若能夠咬緊牙關,少說話,多做事,則不難順利過渡,流年平穩無災。

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【二○○九己丑年肖馬運程】   馬人去年沖犯太歲,所遇的傷害非同小同,希望你能以無比的鬥志和耐力克服重重障礙,安穩過渡鼠年。踏入牛年,太歲帶來的衝擊逐漸消減,但並未完全除去,所以上半年各方面仍須以穩守為策略,避免與凶星的遺禍正面衝突,直至下半年開始,你的事業和財運才稍為緩和,但你仍未能樂觀,因為你的運勢依然徘徊在失落與穩定之間。
【事業】   流年遇「年煞」、「死符」、「六害」等凶星,並見「月德」貴人,可以預測今年工作時經常無法集中精神,加上公司裏的人事鬥爭仍未平息,各人都不肯互相配合,做好自己崗位上的工作,結果「年煞」便有機可乘,先使你的事業陷於停滯狀態,再帶出你上司的不滿情緒,所以馬人註定要受到責備。幸好在事情惡化之前,你的流年貴人及時出現,為你解決糾纏不休的問題,將你的工作重新納入正常軌道。
【財運】   雖然「大耗」已去,但又有「小耗」臨門,所以馬人在牛年的財運仍然不濟。首先事業未順,不單不可奢望正財收入增加,更恐去年的晦氣未去,今年出現減薪的情況,故只能寄望保得住職位,每月有糧出便好了;其次橫財不可求,即使小注也註定要賠本。收入開源無望,而你又控制不了你的購買慾,當有推銷員向你美言幾句,你就會抵受不住誘惑,將並沒有急切需要的東西買下來,致令今年你的財政總無法達到平衡。
【愛情】   今年馬人的命宮出現「咸池」,的確會有點異性緣,但要注意,這顆星宿帶來的桃花並非真正的姻緣,而是會令你意亂情迷的劫數,所以單身的你,即使在牛年結識到你認為不錯的對象,結果也只是霧水之情,情花驟開驟落,不會長久。已婚或已有對象的你,也有異性主動接近,在你的愛情路上帶來一點新的刺激,但如何取捨,還看你的意志和自制能力了。
【健康】   「死符」、「六害」同臨,所以今年仍未見進步,前者既主爭鬥,也主疾厄,後者則主精神倦怠,也就是說,馬人由於長時間睡眠不足,以致經常精神不振,抵抗力弱,故容易受病菌侵擾,另一方面,你受「咸池」的附帶影響,夜生活甚多,時常飲酒,再加上不懂節制飲食,致令腸胃和頭部常感不適,健康也就更差了。
【二○○九己丑年天同錦囊】   屬馬的人,雖然度過了沖太歲的年份,但到牛年的運勢仍然差強人意,所以仍要步步小心,以防犯錯。幸運的是,即使今年在命宮出現的凶星凶猛異常,你仍得到一級「月德」貴人星為你排難解紛,化險呈祥,因此你並非全無還抗之力,事實上,只要你能夠堅持正確的原則做事,不與小人為伍,再多做善事,積德積福,流年自然可以如履平地,無災無厄。
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【二○○九己丑年肖蛇運程】  屬蛇的朋友,去年各方面的運勢只算一般,踏入牛年,地支巳酉丑三合,運程稍見起色。首先得吉星扶助,你的事業明顯有進步,而財運更是在眾生肖朋友中數一數二,大有鯉躍龍門之勢;不過,流年又見凶星雲集,影響了愛情和健康的發展。聰明者宜把握先機,掌握運程起伏,便能進退有據,增加各方面的成功機會。
【事業】   流年「三台」、「金輿」兩大吉星相逢,大有求名得名,求利得利的凌厲勢頭。「三台」主謀事可成,大利事業,今年上班一族若向老闆獻上滿腹發展大計,定能得到認同,並且獲得公司裏各部門互相配合,計劃得以貫徹實行,任務完成之後,升職加薪自然有望。不過,命宮同時見「官符」和「飛符」凶星,將影響你的判斷力,令你在工作上出錯,輕則受老闆責罵,重則惹上不測之官非,不可不防。
【財運】   「金輿」是一顆財帛福星,既然「三台」為你創造事業良機,那麼,「金輿」財星也就能順理成章地為你創造財富,但蛇人不可不知,無論你是打工一族或是老闆級,這兩顆吉星都不會主動給你帶來金銀財寶,它們需要你來主導,先付出努力和恆心,才能發揮作用,所以你千萬不可疏懶做事,守株待兔,否則白白辜負了吉星附帶的財氣。
【愛情】   今年凶星群集,加上你外冷內熱的性格、愛保護自己的心態,時常害怕受感情傷害而對愛情卻步,所以單身的你,在牛年也難有機會遇到拍拖對象,唯有繼續等待吧。已婚或者在戀愛中的你,流年兩人感情一般,未見突破,甚至經常因小事爭拗,互不理睬,影響了彼此工作和日常的心情。已婚人士家庭運更差,需注意配偶健康可能起變化。
【健康】   流年見「天哭」,主有孤獨、寂寞的事情,情緒也容易受環境影響,所以必須盡量保持心情輕鬆。今年你時常會在工作或愛情上遇到困擾,令你鬱鬱不悶,連帶身體健康也受到影響,最常見的就是失眠。凶星也主有流淚事件,與長輩同住的蛇人,今年老人家身體欠佳,時常感覺不舒適,你切不可掉以輕心、馬虎處理,否則小病變大病,也就應了流淚的災煞了。
【二○○九己丑年天同錦囊】   蛇人在牛年全年表現有起有落,基本來說,你的事業和財運都有明顯的進步,當中特別以金錢的運勢更見突破,應好好把握之餘,也要有居安思危的想法,做好儲蓄的預算,以備不時之需。至於愛情方面,你必需檢討一下自己的個性,多主動與伴侶溝通,才能減少兩人之間的誤解,而單身者則有助提高自己的吸引力,增強異性緣分,或許有機會在牛年中得遇新的戀愛對象。

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【二○○九己丑年肖龍運程】   龍人在鼠年的運程吉多於凶,相信憑著個人的意志和魄力,你在各方面都有不錯的表現。踏入牛年,你的運勢稍為有點下滑,除了健康有所提升外,無論在事業或金錢方面,都比較去年遜色,這都是因為「天煞」、「歲煞」、「貫索」、「勾神」等凶星作祟,架設了重重障礙,打擊你的士氣,幸好今年命宮得見「太陰」貴人相助,能讓你在對抗逆境時獲得片刻喘息的機會。
【事業】   屬龍的你,在牛年得到「太陰」星坐命,代表工作上有女性貴人提拔,給予你發揮才幹的機會。不過,流年並見「貫索」、「卒暴」和「勾神」等凶星,發展恐怕難如人意。「貫索」有被動和消極的特性,「卒暴」易招是非謠言,而「勾神」則使麻煩事情更加糾纏不清,這幾顆凶星將令你陷入事業困局,需要你以堅強的毅力衝出難關。
【財運】   今年你得到「太陰」星的扶助,錢財運本應有賴事業進步而有所增添,可惜,流年命宮所見另一顆「羊刃」,卻令你的財運大受打擊。「羊刃」既主血光,也主破財,換句話說,即使你能夠賺到財富,這顆凶星也會製造禍端消耗你的金錢,令你財來財去一場空。流年財運反覆不定,求財不易,令你容易求諸賭博,祈求以小博大,但結果當然難從心願。
【愛情】   龍人在牛年的愛情運跟去年差不多,但幸好「華蓋」已去,所以情況略見好轉。已婚的你,與丈夫或太太相聚的時間增加,只要兩人能夠以真心、愛意互相關心,婚姻仍然可以保持幸福。未婚而有愛侶的你,約會的時間比去年多,相處也比較融洽、愉快,雙方感情也甜蜜、溫馨。不過,仍然未有戀愛對象的你,今年良緣未到,愛情路上依舊孤單一人。
【健康】   基本上,你在牛年的健康並無嚴重問題,全年平平安安、無災無病。不過,龍人長者在農曆八月和十一月身體抵抗力較差,時常感到心神不安,也易染上傷風感冒,雖是小問題,但仍然需要好幾個星期才能徹底痊癒。年輕的龍睡眠嚴重不足,以致日間工作時精神難以集中,影響表現,若不知檢討改善,下半年健康將會變差。
【二○○九己丑年天同錦囊】  雖然龍人在牛年的運程並非鯉躍龍門,但也算中規中矩。雖然你的事業受到眾多凶星干擾,但因為你有「太陰」貴人之助,所以,如果你能夠努力做好自己的本份,把握貴人給予的機會,專心做事,不理是非,則事業理應有不錯的發展。此外,又有凶星帶來血光,兼且令你損財,不過,煩惱皆因強出頭,今年只要作風低調,並能緊守信念,不貪不賭,則流年仍可保身心平安、收支平衡。

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【二○○九己丑年肖兔運程】   肖兔的朋友,在鼠年得到「太陰」貴人的助力,在事業方面平穩進步,而愛情又得到「紅鸞」星的照顧,因而與伴侶相處甜蜜,但因凶星纏繞,健康方面的表現就較為遜色了,希望你能夠保重身體,不受病魔的困擾,以應付牛年的種種挑戰。兔人踏入牛年,凶險重重,一方面沒有吉星之助,另方面又見眾多凶星潛伏,蓄勢以待,固此流年必須步步為營,處處小心。
【事業】   由於今年命宮欠缺吉星守護,四處皆無助力,令屬兔的你在工作上不單難有突破,甚至阻礙重重,做事事半功倍。在牛年裏,只見「囚獄」、「災煞」等凶星坐守命宮,肆無忌憚。「囚獄」主有官非、刑罰事件,代表你今年將會因為公事出錯而招來麻煩,輕者受上司責罰,重則惹起訴訟事件,須以法律途徑解決。而「災煞」主有意外破損,做事徒勞無功,換句話說,無論你今年如何辛勞,都難有重要收穫。
【財運】   由於事業出現重重阻滯,正財也就無法強求有突破進賬,唯有希望保持往年水平已經算不錯了。今年命宮欠財星,偏財、橫財欠奉,故投資者必須要謹慎,千萬不可貪求短線利益而獨注一擲,否則一塗敗地,後悔莫及。流年不利,賭博必要避之而吉,以防辛苦積蓄,付諸一炬。
【愛情】   已婚人士與配偶相處,時有爭端,為子女,也為家庭開支;蜜運中的兔人,與愛侶常因小事而陷於冷戰之中,聚少離多,甚至有鬧分手的危機;未有對象的你,感情仍然一片空白,唯有繼續等待良緣吧。
【健康】   今年命宮逢「披頭」、「喪門」、「災煞」及「地喪」等凶星,每一顆都影響著你,以至你家人的健康。「披頭」和「地喪」都是主家人、近親患病,代表今年你家中的老人家身體欠安,嚴重者需要進醫院治理;「喪門」則影響著屬兔的長者,令你健康受損,而「災煞」除了破壞你的工作表現外,也令年輕的你容易受手腳之傷。
【二○○九己丑年天同錦囊】   雖然有凶煞在旁,工作難望有美好收成,但也不可因此而自暴自棄,相反,你應該要加倍用功,守好崗位,希望累積更多經驗和實際知識,以求在好運降臨時,能發揮最大的潛能,振翅高飛。此外,健康無價,流年凶星群出,令你身心遭受困擾,連帶家人也受到影響,所以在牛年裏,你除了要預防意外受傷之外,也要多抽時間照顧家人健康,希望一家人可以有驚無險,平安過渡牛年。
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【二○○九己丑年肖虎運程】   屬虎的朋友,去年事業和錢財有一顆中級的「驛馬」星照命,發展半吉半凶,又見一些影響健康和愛情運的小凶星出現,故全年的表現普普通通,並無重大突破,可算是乏善足陳。踏入牛年,你的事業和財運續向下滑,情況開始令人擔心,加上命宮出現不少凶星,做事更要格外留神,否則稍一不慎,便會跌入眾凶星所佈的陷阱了。
【事業】   流年命宮得見「太陽」星。「太陽」是一顆一級貴人星,能在你的事業前途上發揮重大助力,而由於這顆吉星屬陽性,所以流年的貴人多是男性。 今年公司內的男性上司或老闆非常欣賞你的工作表現,有機會委派你擔任重要項目的負責人。機會來臨,你當然是全力以赴,但可惜的是,流年出現在命宮的另一顆「劫煞」星將會在此時作祟,影響你的工作情緒及阻撓你的工作進度,最後,你的一番努力變成徒勞無功,而吉星帶來的機遇,也白白地流失。
【財運】   屬虎的你沒有財星助運,加上命宮出現「天空」和「吞陷」兩顆凶星,所以今年你的錢財收入極難達到理想了。「天空」主虛花不聚財,而「吞陷」主受騙,代表在牛年中,你會因為一些突發事情而要耗用大筆金錢;同時,你的購買慾戰勝了理智,時常會將收入花費於一些沒用的東西,以致無法累積儲蓄。另外,今年會有陌生人甚至友人設計欺騙你的錢財,會否應劫,則全看你的意志力和分析力了。
【愛情】   無論是單身、正在蜜運中或已婚的朋友,今年愛情路上桃花明現,,原因是流年命宮出現一顆「紅鸞」星。「紅鸞」星動,單身的你將會在今年遇上理想伴侶,甚至會火速結成佳偶。蜜運中的男女,愛情生活十分愜意稱心,部份虎人會在牛年中締結良緣,部份則繼續享受拍拖的樂趣。已婚的你,與配偶的感情與日俱增,但自己要注意跟其他異性保持適當距離,以免惹起配偶誤會。
【健康】   雖然流年有一顆「晦氣」星影響著你,但幸好沒有病星降臨騷擾,所以整年看來,除了因為事業不順意而偶然間感到悶悶不樂外,不論老人家或是年輕人,健康大致良好,若能減少無謂壓力,避免不必要的擔憂,則身體及精神狀況更理想。
【二○○九己丑年天同錦囊】   全年來說,屬虎的人在牛年的運程也是吉凶參半。今年凶星作祟,因此事業和財運的表現都不太理想,而眾凶星主要是衝著你的性格弱點而來,如果你能夠以堅定的意志力和謙虛的心態迎接工作挑戰的話,成功機會較大。年初時應要做好理財計劃,定下每月的收支預算,嚴格遵守,便可避免亂花無謂錢了。   至於愛情和健康方面,今年的運勢可說是銳不可擋,幾乎無人能及,但已有對象和已婚的你,切記不可有越軌行為;年輕人也不可過份流連夜店,才可保全年平安。

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【二○○九己丑年肖牛運程】   屬牛的你,去年運勢強勁,可說一時無兩,事事稱心順意。但希望你知道要居安思危,不會因為好運降臨而樂極忘形,因為踏入牛年,你犯上本命年,命宮有眾多凶星埋伏,缺乏吉星解救、助運,所以全年的運程都會反覆不定,做事波折重重、危機四伏,必須要小心應付。
【事業】   流年命犯太歲,人事關係和事業發展都不能順心隨意,加上今年命宮見「劍鋒」,而由於這顆凶星主有刀光和鬥爭,因此在牛年中,你在公司裏必然與同事之間有一番龍爭虎鬥;而不幸的是,你將會是失敗者。另外,「黃旛」凶星加臨,令你時常失魂落魄,做事不能集中精神,影響工作表現。   不過,流年又見一顆「華蓋」星,表示從事藝術創作、出版文化和娛樂事業的牛人,將有機會發揮才華,邁向事業高峰。
【財運】   肖牛的你,由於事業表現未如理想,正財收入難以增添,加上今年有「破碎」星出現,令你無法積聚錢財,即使賺得財富,也會因某些原因而令你完全耗掉,以致財來財去一場空。投資者避免短炒概念,在下注之前更要考慮再三;當然,沒有十足把握的話,最好忍手。另外,你缺乏理財之道,不懂管理金錢,以致收支更難達到平衡。
【愛情】   由於「華蓋」的出現,故此今年你在感情路上大都是孤單一人,原因是「華蓋」既主才華,也主孤獨。已婚的你,容易與配偶因家庭瑣事或兒女問題發生爭執;蜜運中的牛人與愛侶聚少離多,令兩人感情由濃轉淡;年長者更防老伴身體欠安,要進醫院診治調理;至於未有對象的你,今年不宜追求觸摸不到的霧水情緣,努力工作才是上策。
【健康】   流年犯太歲,所謂「太歲當頭坐,無喜必有禍」,主牛人今年多憂心之事,也多心理壓力問題,加上有「伏屍」在旁,情況更加嚴重,所以你必須隨時留意身體的變化,健康問題不可掉以輕心。另外,「黃旛」凶星令你失魂落魄,駕車人士或行人過馬路時,容易發生交通意外,不可不防。


http ://www.mas terhau .com /2008/12anima ls/09cow.htm


【二○○九己丑年肖鼠運程】   去年屬鼠的朋友命犯太歲,若無喜事臨,必有禍事憂,事業運程難免不順意,身體也容易出現問題。踏入牛年,雖然年初時運勢仍然有點不順,但春季以後,漸入佳境,命宮更見眾多吉神拱護,大有一洗鼠年的霉氣之勢。
【事業】   今年在命宮出現「陌越」和「玉堂」星,主有地位突破和大貴人助運,故能將你的工作帶進新局面。凡流年得「陌越」坐命,事業地位必可更上一層樓。打工的朋友,在公司裏將得到上司貴人提拔,給予你發揮所長,甚至獨當一面的良機,如果你希望自己能在眾同事中突圍而出,奠定升職的基礎,就要好好把握這個難得的機會了。
【財運】   鼠人踏入牛年,財運未可言吉。雖然表面看是相合年,但卻暗藏隱憂。受薪的你,今年會有加薪的機會,但加幅並不理想;一向有投資習慣的朋友,小心高買低賣輸掉財富,即使在部份投資項目上賺得微利,但全年計下來也是輸多贏少;做生意的你,雖有客似雲來,但總見旺丁不旺財。總之,今年求財宜守不宜攻,可免重大破耗。
【愛情】   肖鼠的你,踏進牛年,子丑相合,主有喜悅的事情發生,但可惜同時見到一顆令你孤單、空虛的「孤虛」星飛臨命宮,預兆今年你的感情有喜有憂。未有對象的你,今年有機會遇上心儀的異性,但愛情路上波折重重,難享甜蜜;已有對象或配偶的你,雖然兩人仍然恩愛,但今年大家將會聚少離多,令你在大部份時間都要感到空虛寂寞。
【健康】   「病符」是一顆主小病的凶星,在牛年出現於肖鼠朋友的命宮之中,表示你的健康狀況較差,抵抗力弱,容易受到疾病侵擾,老人家更要特別注意身體健康。今年注意多吸收有營養的食物,每天保持充足睡眠,便可抵抗病魔。另外,「病符」入命,易犯凶煞,所以流年不宜探病問喪,喪家食物也不宜吃,以免負面磁場影響個人運氣。
【二○○九己丑年天同錦囊】   屬鼠的朋友在己丑年的運程尚算理想。事業得到貴人和吉星之助,宜好好把握,發揮自己的長處,勿讓此難得機遇白白流失。如果你是有伴侶的鼠人,今年最好平衡一下工作和愛情的比重,不要令愛侶常常孤枕獨眠。   整體看來,今年你只是在財運方面的表現稍欠理想,但情況不算太壞,只要你能保持積極的工作態度,緊守自己的崗位,便有機會扭轉逆勢,最終得到合理的回報。
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Horoscope 2009 for the PISCES
born between February 20 and March 20
The 2009 is a good year for piscis looking for love or already in a relationship. According to the stars the keyword for this year is piscis commitment, and this means that opt for stability and lasting relationships rather than sporadic adventures. If you are a Pisces, which is important to clearly express your wishes and that does not hide things from your partner, because this could cause problems. It is not a good year to have secrets. Even for those who carry piscis time avoiding making a difficult decision about a relationship that does not work, this could be the year in which the take. It does not mean necessarily a definitive break, but a very profound change in the kind of relationship they have. If you are looking for partners in 2009 year is very promising. And if you have stable partner, there is a potential wedding.
As for your social life and circle of friends, this year will not lack invitations to participate in all kinds of meetings, festivals, tours, meetings of friends and so on. Thanks to the presence of Jupiter in your house 11 th enjoy much, but it is important that controls spending so much social activity.
You'll feel comfortable with your family, although you may have some minor dispute with relatives over the summer and also at the end of the year. You must try to solve these minor differences of opinion to prevent the Magnifique and transformation into major problems.
It starts the year with ideas to conclude with things of the past that are no longer relevant in your life. This will help you face a future full of expectations and strengthen your communication skills during the beginning of this new year. Create Ras links with those around you and understand, so you do not feel as isolated as it embarked upon.
As of February your area economy continued to expand sácale advantage and build the foundation of your economic future. By March you will make a review of your family and your links, making a clean and leaving aside the feelings of resentment and guilt. They also begin to develop your communication skills.
Please take care of your professional improvement, consider what you need or improve your skills in the chosen field, in other words refine your skills. If you're looking for evading the situation will only serve to build a wall to your future of limitations.
Review your goals and what you do to revitalize your career are patterns to follow for your future. The challenge is to eliminate what it does not harmonise with your future goals, because the only thing they do is invalidated.
There is a revolution in the most intimate of your being, you are awakening your inner life, the more contact with your spiritual side and let you break free from burdens of the past. It's good to meditate and review our mistakes, we bring relief and comfort to life.
By August, you had loads will be less burdened, begins a period a bit more beneficial. Your health sector and the household will be well promoted. September-November will be an excellent time for the couple, family ties and changes in the home or removals. Everything that you propose related to these sectors will come to the thousand wonders.
Think you need renovation and perhaps more personal space. You will have more air and you will feel more inclined to invite others in your life, perhaps until the family grow. Do not exaggerate in your expectations, proponte short-term goals to produce results quickly.

Your Archangel is the beloved JOFIEL.
Your planet Neptune and Jupiter are Regent
Your spiritual protector is the angel of faith Asariel. It maintains the hope on Earth, where evidence of life oppress us, gives us refuge in times of conflict and crisis. It gives you the certainty that God is with you in good and bad. Don faith, mantram Om
From http: //www.microcaos.net/en /paranormal/ horoscopo-del-2009/

2009年是一個很好的一年, piscis尋找愛情或已在一的關係。根據該星級的關鍵字為今年是piscis的承諾,這意味著選擇穩定和持久的關係,而不是零星的探險活動中。如果你是雙魚座,這是非常重要的明確表達您的意願,並沒有隱藏的東西,從您的合作夥伴,因為這可能會導致問題。這是不是一個好年有秘密。即使對那些誰進行piscis時間,避免作出困難的決定,關於關係,這並不工作,這可能是這一年中接管。它並不意味著一定要一個明確的突破,而是一個非常深刻的變化,在什麼樣的關係,他們有。如果您正在尋找合作夥伴在2009年,今年是非常有前途。如果你有穩定的合作夥伴,是一個潛在的婚禮。
截至二月您所在地區的經濟繼續擴展, sácale優勢和建設的基礎,您的經濟前景。 3月,你會作出檢討,您的家人和您的鏈接,使一個清潔及撇開感情的不滿和罪惡感。他們還開始拓展您的溝通技巧。
認為你需要翻新和也許更多的個人空間。您將會有更多的空氣,你會覺得更傾向於邀請他人在你的生活,或許,直到家庭成長。不誇大,在您的期望, proponte的短期目標產生的結果很快。

你的天使,是敬愛的jofiel 。
您的精神保護者,是天使的信仰asariel 。保持希望在地球上,如有證據的生活壓迫我們,給我們庇護的時候,衝突和危機。它可以讓您肯定上帝與你同在好的和壞的。唐信念, mantram關於


(2.19 - 3.20) Pisces





2009 Horoscope - Aquarius
Horoscope 2009 of Aquarius
born between January 21 and February 19
You start the year with a reflection on your life and possible reforms you are going to implement over the next year. You'll feel more eager to express your individuality and embrace freedom. Feeling self is about personal goals, but perceive that this year things go a little slow, to look backwards you will notice that you've come a long way.
Between January and July all cascaded toward your desire for more space in your home, to move to your wide. You could change, perhaps you do a remodeling or end up with this disorder that bothers you. For May-June is need will become more pressing.
This year, continue to assess your need for security, you will feel limited and you will notice that the responsibilities you are trapped. If you fail in achieving your obligations, the consequences will be disastrous for your future.
Also live reforms as far as your goals illusions and hopes are concerned. Reassess your goals and you will notice that many of the things that went before you inspired and another plane. This will release your creativity to new and exciting projects. Your imagination and sensitivity reach places not reached before your conscience and feel that it is increasingly expanding.
For July, revitalizes your field of romance and creativity. This brings you to express your feelings and your love in more creative. Your family and your partner are also important and well give you many joys.
From September to November, everything related to your personal improvement, higher education, travel, romance and creativity is benefited. What undertaken in these areas will be a sure victory.
Even if you think your goals are a little engreídas at least have some realism in your veins, your enthusiasm is admirable and gives you enough momentum to take off in this coming year. Remember that you're settling the groundwork for your future and so they No plans to proceed to pair your own enjoyment and benefit.
Finishing the year, having fun with your friends, maybe a trip to rejoice in family.
Summing up the events one year for you and you occupation of the things that really matter to you, this will be this year, a period of intense personal growth and well.
Your Archangel is ZADQUIEL
Your planet Uranus and Saturn are Regent.
Your spiritual protector is the Archangel Uriel, freedom. It helps you express creativity and independence of spirit, to be conscious of your free will. The master of consciousness, which is ourselves. Don freedom, mantram, Ra ma.
From http: //www.microcaos.net/en /paranormal/ horoscopo-del-2009/


(1.20 - 2.18) Aquarius





Horoscope of 2009 for Capricorn
born between December 22 and January 20
The Year begins with you in the foreground and your main concerns are economic issues and searching for new ideas. First try to end the horror that you inspire things outside your control, and then you will erase from your life to your old habits when handling money. Also this year will be very organized and keep your priorities daily. Result, your productivity will be increased one hundred percent.
On the other hand your ability to enjoy life and romance will be stimulated. Your creativity and greening will help in resolving the minor obstacles. In April, your home will be your center of activities required, you feel like the king in his castle. Your house will be full of harmony and mental rest. But to May, the sector romance and creativity will be in full dynamism. By June you're working on making arrangements for your health and welfare.
You'll also have great opportunities to work and progress, notable improvement in your work environment and your economic situation, if you make the necessary adjustments. Revenue in a process of deep cleaning things of the past that no longer mean na da. You will be more alert on your internal and I thought processes and your quest for growth.
After July will be great progress in health and the environment. All this is accentuating anger over the months. In September could begin studies for improving your profession or perhaps a trip abroad. In October, it's time to re-connect with friends, if they had not done so before. Grata moments in his company.
November will be one months where shall put emphasis on improvements in your job, assuring you a triumph. Continuation reaping what they'd planted, the success you came hand in hand.
In December, it's time to enjoy with family and look back to see what this year has left you and prepare for the next continue with the same impetus and ambition.
Your Archangel is called CHAMUEL.
Regent is your planet Saturn.
Your spiritual protector is the angel Cassiel work. It helps you fulfill the purpose of your life. Te ago and professional worker. The gift that gives you the responsibility, and your mantram Faaaaaa RAA ommmmm.
From http: //www.microcaos.net/en /paranormal/ horoscopo-del-2009/

今年開始,你在幕前和您關注的主要問題是經濟問題和尋找新的思路。第一次嘗試,以結束恐怖,你激勵以外的東西,您所控制的,然後你會抹掉從您的生活您的舊習慣,在處理金錢。同時,今年將是非常有組織及保持您的優先次序,每日。結果,您的工作效率將提高100 % 。
在另一方面,你有能力享受生活和愛情會刺激。您的創意和綠化將有助於在解決未成年人的障礙。今年4月,您的首頁將成為您的中心所需的活動,您覺得像國王在他的城堡。你的房子將充滿和諧和精神上的休息。但至5月,該部門的浪漫和創造性,將在充分的活力。 6月您正從事的工作作出安排,為您的健康和福利。
您的精神保護者是天使cassiel工作。它可以幫助你完成的目的,您的生活。德前和專業工作者。禮物給你的責任,以及您的mantram faaaaaa raa ommmmm 。
從http://www.microcaos.net/en /超自然/ horoscopo -刪除- 2009 /


(12.22 - 1.19) Capricorn





Horoscope of 2009 for Sagittarius
born between November 23 and December 21
You start the year ocupándote your economic area and making certain adjustments. You'll feel with a lot of encouragement construirte a new "I" and see things with different eyes. Seeks to change things that do not satisfy yourself and find a new meaning to life. This year will be atiborrado of these situations, little by little, and dependent irás reborn.
It is a year where they will accentuate your curiosity and your desire to learn, your mind will be dragged to investigate new subjects and brings them to new and broader horizons where you do not believe we can reach. Your imagination run at high speeds and create many ideas, some of them brilliant.
From January to July will be spent working on projects in conjunction with others. It will be very beneficial. Also activities that relate to your health and exercise you will bring great rewards and incredible results. By April your home is filled with harmony and have a good environment that will invite to stay warm.
From July to December things were tilted towards your sector partner, your marriage will be revitalized. Yes couple have yet to be an excellent time to find it, you will have excellent options. The work in society also will give you many fruit s beneficial.
Your responsibility in matters is accentuated and brings you to look up into the smallest detail. Do not sit well in this job, you remove a lot of energy, you will make the necessary adjustments to find your point of comfort.
August will be a table where you will feel full and comfortable with the situations around you.
In the coming months everything related to money, work and success transiting through the path of victory. In December, you spent your family and friends to celebrate your successes advantage of this year.
Your Archangel is the beautiful JOFIEL.
Regent is your planet Jupiter.
Your spiritual protector is the angel of joy Zadquiel (justice of God). Attaches to your soul freedom joy and forgiveness. It helps you erase the pain and unpleasant things in your subconscious. It is in love with laughter, caring for children. Don joy, mantram, Iii sss.
From http: //www.microcaos.net/en /paranormal/ horoscopo-del-2009/

你的天使是美麗的jofiel 。
您的精神保護者,是天使的喜悅zadquiel (正義的上帝) 。重視你的靈魂,自由的喜悅和寬恕。它可以幫助你抹去的痛苦和不愉快的事情,在您的潛意識。這是在愛與笑聲,照顧子女。唐的喜悅, mantram ,三濕地。
從http://www.microcaos.net/en /超自然/ horoscopo -刪除- 2009 /


(11.22 - 12.21) Sagittarius





Horoscope of 2009 for Scorpio
born between October 23 and November 22
To begin the year you receive good relations with relatives and continue with the changes in your industry and the home. In your home the situation is showing a little restricted, due to adjustments of all kinds. This will be extended until April when situations are starting to clear. This lapse of time will be spent to solve everything you are your relations with others. You relationship with close relatives will be in a search for new and different ways to socialize, when forgive and be forgiven when, you're in a challenge that comes and goes your stability.
Regarding the monetary sector, deep restructuring that will bring you to stop wasting money and attitudes useless.
By April, relations with partners are activated and you make important part in connecting business and its culmination, you'll be the link that will enable them to the success of the company.
Your health can be found in readiness due to a process of adjustment that has ido doing it yourself. It is good time to leave in search of the couple and if you have ties will be strengthened among you.
Until June, the axis of your life will remain your relationships, changes you favor and finding a balance between freedom and responsibility. Also you will make adjustment on all those things you are restricting and you have enabled express yourself clearly.
In July, returning the gaze towards your health and finally arrive at the cause of the problem is psychological or physical. It will also be a period of abundance, but not you go hand in hand, to learn and deal within this good gust of abundance. Use your wisdom.
Another aspect that will be quite active, is to travel and higher education, they can be means to supplement and help your learning.
In August your work will be in the foreground and field will enhance your projects. From now on until November, seek strengthen your proposals and give a new turn in your professional life. Your personal relationships you will see in a new light and enter a period of great harmony and exceptional results.
December will be a table where you Volcan to the enjoyment of family and the holidays. I also take to celebrate your economic success throughout the year. Although throughout the year you sometimes sense a prisoner of your obligations, this has helped you to go one step further in your evolution as a person.
Your Archangel is the beloved URIEL
Your planet Pluto and Regent are Tuesday
Your guard is the angel of spiritual transformation Azrrael. Its action will clean and purified, remove any negative energy of the body Auric, rules the underworld of the dead, the subconscious. Don transformation. Mantram, the sound of Rrrrr.
From http: //www.microcaos.net/en /paranormal/ horoscopo-del-2009/


(10.23 - 11.21) Scorpio





Horoscope of 2009 for Libra
born between 23 septimbre and October 22
Your home will be the first item on your agenda at the beginning of the year, minor adjustments you can move up and leave. Another good move is part romance, modifications of old patterns and finding new ways to express your love. From February to April will be most notable changes in this sector of your life, creándote some conflicts with your partner. There will also be reforms and adjustments in your family relationships, clarifies situations that were bothering you.
We emphasize your relationships with others and expand your horizons. You learn to appreciate more and your relationships will benefit from his teachings. Between May and July will begin to be active your relations with foreign countries and travel abroad for the promotion and improvement. Your partner will be your moral support in all these companies. Your field of promotion can be seen with a lot of movement and prospects for complete regeneration.
In August, your friends will be a major part in your goals, you provide information and tips on your ascent to success. Relationships with family and your partner will continue to improve. From September to November, you will feel fuller and everything that has a connection with your partner and abroad will be benefited. Between October and November there may be some economic mismatch, it's time to carefully review your expenses and make adjustments in the budget.
In December activity will have a lot of romance and fun. Everything points to romance and adventure. Your family will accompany you in the holidays to come and give you what you'd always expected of them.
In this year trying to get rid of the fears that torment you and the skeletons stored in the closet. Tackle all for your healing space and you do so you can more easily enter happiness to your life. On the other hand your sense of aesthetics and sensitivity to change before unusual forms for you, what you felt awful yesterday, today you seem ideal. In your sentimental side, too, will draw the attention things before or passing through your mind. Int unfathomable transformation in your elected renaissance with a deeper intelligentsia.
Finally, will be a year of intellectualization and readjustment of old patterns, you will see the world through different eyes.
Your beloved is the Archangel Raphael (doctor from heaven).
Regent is your planet Venus.
Your spiritual protector is the angel of love Samael, who sees God. His action makes you receptive and responsive to the needs, yours and others, gives you the power to forgive, balances the giving and receiving. Don love. Mantram, Ham-sa.
From http: //www.microcaos.net/en /paranormal/ horoscopo-del-2009/

您的家庭將成為第一個項目就您的議事日程,在今年年初,輕微的調整你可以移動和離開。另一個好動議的一部分,是浪漫,修改的舊模式和尋找新的方法來表達你們的愛。從2月至4月將是最顯著的變化,在這個部門你的生活, creándote一些衝突與您的合作夥伴。此外還有改革和調整,在您的家庭關係,澄清了情況,被困擾了你。


(9.23 - 10.22) Libra





Horoscope of 2009 for Virgo

born between August 23 and September 22
Opened in the year your health is good asset reforms and searches of the newer methods to lose weight and keep fit. Your home is positive and full of expectations. The romance is full of beauty, energy and passion. February, the month of love, and encourages you could submit with a trip likely to romanticism and passion.
March helps in the search for new horizons at work, you have to stay up to date, that means innovate, learn new things and deal with fresh ideas. You can analyze it all, you should go ahead and go getting used to new options. It is now important to take care of doing something that helps your personal improvement.
From April to June is still focused on your profession, studies and perhaps help you travel in their improvement. All this will allow a positive development and will lay groundwork for your profession. Continuity in the organization of your house and cleaning everything related to excesses. Furniture that clogged, cleaning the closet, reorganization of the spaces up and remodeling. July will be a month for recovery and adjustment in your decisions, which should be as wise as possible to avoid excesses. Care for Your ego at a time when you take decisions, this could restart cegarte and objectivity.
August prolongs your quest for changes at work. You will be led to more introspection during this month, that will help you observe things from another point of view more realistic. The next three months will open a wider space to devote to your success, your finances and your relationships sentimental. In October, the relationships with your family will be affected by your criticisms, your controls impulses to make them, you know that you are too perfectionist.
November comes loaded with a process of relocation and modifications to end your career. December, however, is full of home and family, you're too busy with Christmas preparations for your home, gifts and parties. The year ends with new work projects for next year and excellent prospects.
Making an analysis this will be a year of search and improvement in the professional field, changes in your home to consolidate bases and improvements in your health and work environment.
Your archangel Gabriel is beloved.
Regent is your planet Mercury.
Your spiritual protector the angel of healing, Raphael. It is the curator of the Earth, relieves your pain and that of others. Guide to therapists, doctors and counselors. Revives and physical wounds of the soul, healing gift, mantram, Omm.
From http: //www.microcaos.net/en /paranormal/ horoscopo-del-2009/

在今年您的健康是好的,資產的改革和搜查較新的方法來減肥,強身健體。您的家庭是積極的和充分的期望。浪漫是充滿美感,能源和激情。 2月,一個月的愛情,並鼓勵你可以提出與此行可能浪漫主義和激情。
從4月至6月仍是集中在你的職業,研究和可能幫助您的旅行在他們的改善。這一切都將讓一個積極的事態發展,並會打下地基,為您的專業。連續性,在組織你的房子和清潔有關的一切過度。家具堵塞,清理壁櫥,重組的空間和重塑。 7月,將每月的恢復和調整,在您的決定,這應該是明智的作為,以避免過度。照顧你的自我在的時候,你作出決定,這可能是重新啟動cegarte性和客觀性。
十一月預裝了一個過程,搬遷和修改,以結束您的職業生涯。 12月,不過,全是家庭和家人,您太忙,與聖誕準備為您的家用,禮品及各方。在今年結束與新的工作項目,為明年和良好的前景。


(8.23 - 9.22) Virgo





2009 Horoscope - Leo
Horoscope 2009 of Leo
born between July 23 and August 22
You start the year with your eyes focused on romance and creativity. This will be a year of professional challenges and reforms in the way you approach the relationship. Also harás adjustment in the health field.
In February, your partner will bring you some conflicts and difficulties in any contract or legal matter. Your partner you can deal with issues of opinion and your work, let them pass the time to take the necessary action. In March and these situations will have vanished. The main point is your job and achieve the goals and objectives that you've raised. At the moment all doors are open and success depends only on yourself and how you handle your responsibilities.
By May the situation will focus on your career and in all settings that continued doing so this year will bring benefits professionals. Your partner could be instrumental in the decisions you make, plus the creativity that accompanies you.
In June, your friends will be an important part in your life and you capsizable to enjoy their company. Enter a process of internalization and spiritual quest. Your friendships are consolidated and your links with partners are stabilized. By July, your professional growth is accentuated, but you do not get carried away by the pride that can be your worst enemy.
In August, everything turns toward yourself, you want the initiative and drive you need for other areas of your life. Your health is important topic. The period from September to November is related to your family, your partner and friends, there trying to do some introspection and to devote part of your life forgiveness and make a contribution to these intangible. It will be a moment where you feel full and filled with a vision of your relationships.
By December, look your partner feel differently and that changes have been worthwhile. Your creativity will be a spur new ideas for your home and romance. We spent a little investigating on new diets and exercise routines, which promote your health.
In conclusion, it will be a year of consolidating the future of your career, profound changes in your personal relationships and especially personal growth, achieving leave behind the entire burden of guilt and resentment.
TU is named Archangel JOFIEL.
Regent your planet is the SOL.
Your guard is spiritual him Angel Guerrero, Michael. His action triumphs over darkness, weighs souls when they die, illuminates the mind. Invócalo to defeat evil. Your gift is the power of good over evil. Word of power Vocal Oo.
From http: //www.microcaos.net/en /paranormal/ horoscopo-del-2009/

在六月,您的朋友將是一個重要組成部分,在您的生命和你capsizable享受他們的公司。輸入的過程中的內部和精神文明的追求。您的友誼是鞏固和您的聯繫與合作夥伴穩定。 7月,您的專業成長是加速,但你不會進行帶走的驕傲,可你最壞的敵人。


(7.23 - 8.22) Leo





Horoscope 2009 of cancer born between June 22 and July 22
In late January 2009, Pluto meets with Jupiter in Aquarius, the eighth house of Cancer. In June he returned to Sagittarius in November and enters Capricorn. The joint action of these two planets means that the union with one person - or your partner or your career - will bring very positive and important changes in your life.
2009 is a year moving from the standpoint of love. It is a year perfect for forgetting all the regrets in recent years on their lives and relationships and fully enjoy your current relationship. Your self-esteem will help attract your partner. And it is likely that the cancer having no partner to enjoy a new relationship of love surprising and very rewarding. At the beginning of the year is possible a degree of tension in your relationship. It is important to be patient and avoid major disagreements. During the second half of the year everything will revert to its bed, and your relationship will be stronger than ever.
As for your family, a fairly close family asks for support and assistance during 2009. Sometimes you feel that your freedom is compromised by your family, and between January and June there will be moments of conflict. But the presence of Saturn in Virgo will make you more disciplined and less irrational in your approaches, and since June, the problems disappear. It is possible that you encounter with a friend from your past.
The new year brings you many personal challenges, and begins with an emphasis on your relationships and sentimental way you engage in communication and exchange. Your health is still in a process of adjustment and searches for new ways to keep fit. Your work is favored by the expansion of new horizons. February you can bring the search for new ideals and some concern about labour issues. By March activates the field work and search for new horizons through travel or the beginning of this course that you like.
Continuing with April the situation favours you in your career and there could be some conflicts with friends. Life takes you to think about your responsibilities and makes you get more clear goals to advance the year. By May and June you put in a more growth and spiritual quest for fulfillment in this field. You might even join this group in the same search. Buscando profound changes in the way of approach to your work.
For the second half of the year, becomes more conspicuous finding your own identity and values you want to cultivate. We also want to make changes that balance your health and you allow a person to be more efficient. At the level of your personal relationships, you'll have another more positive vision that will help you eliminate fears and apprehensions, as this happens you will feel you've made great progress in your relationships real intimacy.
August you will call attention to your finances, the adjustments that has ido you have favored doing remarkably, lack not only let you carry on the momentum of the moment. From September to October all conspire to make your home and your partner are in a period of very favourable year. Although you'll have some friction with close relatives who intend to continue inmiscuyéndose in your affairs, you do not permit and in one way or another field will your duties in a manner well diplomatically. In late December everything will be marching on the right track. You only concern will continue to make adjustments in your health and work. Your home will be the operations center of all your efforts and your work in achieving the goals proposed earlier this year.
In short, this will be a year of improvement in your emotional relationships, health and adjustments in your work and especially of great spiritual growth. It is presented as a mixture of good and bad things. There will be times that something will be stormy, but is that cancer are well.
You must keep careful about your health and you will feel vulnerable during the first part of the year. It is an excellent time to begin to take care better and pay more attention to issues related to your health and welfare.
Jupiter, the planet that symbolizes success and achievements has just entered Capricorn, the seventh house of Cancer and this means that it is a great moment for collaborations, at work and in love. It is possible that many cancer will want to make a formal relationship.

Maybe you have to make a long journey and improvisto this year. You must have all your papers in order if suddenly have to travel outside your country. The costs associated with travel in general this year (yours or others) could cause concern and generate tense situations
TU is Archangel Gabriel.
Regent your planet is the moon.
Your spiritual protector is the angel of protection or guardian. Invócale to have confidence and restore your health. His light is like a blanket that replaces fear for safety. The gift is the protection and your word power is AAAAAAAA.
From http: //www.microcaos.net/en /paranormal/ horoscopo-del-2009/

新的一年裡為您帶來許多個人的挑戰,並開始與一個側重於您的關係和情感的方式,你從事的溝通與交流。您的健康仍是在一個調整的過程,並尋找新的方法強身健體。你們的工作是最惠國待遇,由擴張的新境界。 2月,您可以把尋找新的理想和一些關注勞工問題。 3月激活外地工作和尋找新的視野,透過旅行或本月初,當然是你喜歡。
繼續同月的情況,有利於您在您的職業生涯和可能會有一些衝突與朋友。生活需要你想一想,您的責任,並讓你獲得更多明確的目標提前一年。由5月和6月,你提出的在一個更增長和精神追求圓滿,在這方面的工作。你甚至可能會加入此群組,在相同的搜索。 buscando深刻的變化,在方式方法,你的工作。


(6.22 - 7.22) Cancer





2009 Horoscope - GEMINI
Horoscope 2009 for the GEMINI born between May 22 and June 21The 2009 is a year with moments of great happiness for the Gemini pair, especially women. There will be tense moments however, and some of the difficulties that will arise from your partner requires more commitment and attention this year. Maybe they feel insecure about something, and that is why your partner is directed to your des him more security and self-esteem. Small overcome these complications, and generally you will feel that the union between the two is increasingly strong. The geminis singles have many opportunities to enjoy during 2009 and even marry.You may sometimes perceive that your family is a burden to you. On the one hand you love devote time, but on the other hand sometimes think that receive little in return, or just need a little more space for you. You should not worry because these concerns or feelings will not be durable and if they meet your obligations without going and manage to explain how you feel (something easy for the Geminis), surpassing all potholes as much with your partner with your family. Still being respected and beloved by all your family, and this gives forces. Someone in your family environment will experience a health problem this year, which will cause particular concern.From beginning to end the year brings you romance and renewal with your partner. The ties will be stronger and there will be a more spiritual connection. Felt the need to clean and eliminate all these harmful attitudes and you do not bring anything positive. Want to fly high well when it comes to your relationships and do not want to carry overweight prevents you so. Also since February until the end of the year there will be a philosophical revolution, changes in your approach to life, seeking new thing that meet your new ideals, day lighting and growth.In March, start has mainly take care of matters concerning your life outside the home and family, such as work, friends, travel, studies, etc.. Travel and busy at work. Your intellectual capacity can be found at most, giving a boost to your career final. Some delays in this area but through no fault of you. In April, you involucro in social causes or with your community, this will help you in the purposes of this year.In May, your dreams will move more hidden in the foreground, but you do not get carried away by the courage. You're thoughtful and determined to achieve this, but a well-organized and systematic manner. In June, will be recharged with energy and great potential to get what you're looking for. Fine weather for a holiday and to start or strengthen this relationship. By July of optimism comes as inseparable companion, everything you do from now on will be enhanced, but watch out for the exaggerations, then you can move from safe limits. Your finances may be affected if no action shots, check your accounts and invests wisely, is a lapse of many contingencies. The situation is dissipated in August, when the focus will be your family and the ties that bind you to them. It starts a review of your life and your failures, and that begins to feel Saturn, the planet of responsibility. Take action to situations that are manageable and you are not beyond control.In the interval from September to November, your work and finance will be fully advantaged. By October, there will be some trouble with your family, things will be tense. Towards November Cuidate more of the ordinary, nervousness and fatigue affect you. December, the pleasure and love are energized, travel and contact with the outside world are activated. To finish your work will have much connection with the field of advertising and entertainment, many meetings and talks to which you must attend. Love closed with gold brooch, you'll be ready to express your feelings and rendirte before him.The year 2009 promises to be the best year for geminis than the previous year. It can be divided into two parts this year - a very good, with many opportunities related to all aspects of your life, and the other with some difficulties and problems overcome thanks to your good spirit, discipline and organizational skills. You'll have to find a balance between your side and your side seriously fun to solve the problems that arise.As for health, it is possible that the negative position of Mars suffered some physical or mental disorder. Being a year very demanding on all fronts, be times of stress and you may be angry or irritate you with ease as a result. You must take steps to control this.It has the potential to make a long trip and also to buy a new car this year.In conclusion, this is a good year for your finances and above all the adjustments in that area. You changed 180 degrees and at the end of the year you will move to a new person.Your Archangel is called GABRIEL Regent is the planet Mercury. The angel PROTECTOR is the messenger of the Gods, the Archangel Gabriel, protects you from negative entities, it makes you flexible and open your energy centers. The gift that gives you the knowledge. Your Mantram Omnis.From http: //www.microcaos.net/en /paranormal/ horoscopo-del-2009/

有時您可能察覺到你的家庭是一個負擔,給您。在一方面你愛花時間,但另一方面,有時認為收到的回報少,或只是需要多一點空間給你。你不應該擔心,因為這些關切或感情,將不會持久,如果他們滿足您的義務,無須和管理,以解釋如何您覺得(一些容易為geminis ) ,超過了所有的坑洞多與您的合作夥伴,與您的家人。仍被尊重和敬愛的所有您的家人,這使部隊。有人在您的家庭環境的經驗,將是一個健康問題,今年,這將造成特別關注。

從開始到結束今年為您帶來的浪漫和重建與您的合作夥伴。聯繫將更加堅強,並會有更多的精神方面。認為有必要的清潔和消除所有這些有害的態度和你不帶來任何正面的。要高高飄揚,以及當談到您的關係,不想進行超重阻止您。此外, 2月以來,直至今年年底會有一個哲學革命的變化,您的做法,貼近生活,尋求新的東西,滿足您的新的理想,天照明和增長。
在間隔從9月至11月,您的工作和財務將得到充分的優勢。 10月,會有一些麻煩,與您的家人,事情會緊張。對十一月cuidate更多的普通,緊張和疲勞影響你。 12月,很高興和愛是活力,旅行和與外界的聯繫被激活。完成您的工作將有很大的聯繫與外地的廣告,娛樂,許多會見和會談中向您必須參加。愛與封閉的黃金胸針,您將準備向您表達您的心情和rendirte在他面前。


(5.21 - 6.21) Gemini




2009 Horoscope - Taurus
Horoscope 2009 for the Taurus
born between April 21 and May 21
2009 is not a very good year for Tauro on issues related to love. Their partnership will be affected in a negative way by misunderstandings that, if left unchecked, they risk spread and become bitterness. If this happens you, you must act with great caution and patience if you want to save your relationship, because every step that you take will be very important for the outcome. If you manage to overcome the crisis, your relationship will be stronger.
You may also experience problems in your domestic life in 2009, especially during the early months of the year when, sometimes, you are grouchy and irritable. They also worry household expenses. But be patient, because starting in August experienced a remarkable improvement both in your own predisposition as that of those around you. Uranus symbolizing sudden and surprising changes continuing their transit through your 11 th home throughout the year and this could mean that, with help from your friends can make a personal dream.
The year in the professional starts for you with the continuation of what had been working on the previous year, is a time to expand your stability and looking long-term goals. As a general rule, leaving one foot anchored in the soil and salt in search of your dreams and ideals. Ponte firm against the challenges and strengthens your position. Do not get too happy and you sleep on our laurels because of what is now sowing, harvesting the rest of your life. They come sweeping changes that will make your estremecer world peace and tranquility. If you resist change you will make it harder, so let situations go for his channel to flow smoothly and without friction. By incorporating these changes will help you resolve conflicts in a more creative way. Working strong you can get more than you might expect.
With regard to work, 2009 will be a year very favourable and it is possible that the results exceed your expectations are more optimistic. Your career will bring you great satisfaction and joy and perhaps have a pay rise or promotion. It's a good year especially for those working in the audiovisual sector or another sector that requires imagination and creativity.
Neptune remains in your tenth house and this encourages artistic creation, literature, theater, music and so on. If you do not like your job today is a good time to find another that allows you to develop your creative ability.
On the other hand is not a good year to make investments risky, especially during the first six months.
Your purchasing power will increase considerably, but do not exceed your expenses. Think always in your future. Your career will be a focal point during January to April, is where feel the strongest impact on changes a little revolutionary. By May, the changes in your person will be more intense, directed towards a regenerative process and internal growth. For the next month reforzadores your financial situation, making decisions very successful and doing other minor adjustments.
By July you'll be moving in the waters of intellectual readjustment. Also in front are family relationships, share experiences and create new growth prospects for how you should approach this sector of your life. The following month everything will be clear and balanced, the focus will be your home, which rebozo of creative energies and changes, perhaps think about moving.
From September to November, excellent time to turn everything related to work, success and money. The cosmos will smile and give you an opportunity for a breakthrough. The sentimental relations are going through profound change and good decision, weigh the situation and resolves whether or not it is worthwhile to continue with that person, if they exceed the trance, will be consolidated over the union. The year ended with an overview focuses on your job and everything concerning new technologies and advertising. Even if you do not create your investments are growing slowly for your taste, but grow.
The presence of Jupiter in the eighth house of Taurus could cause health problems so you should monitor your food and other stress-related disorders or allergies especially between June and September. But not foresee any major disease. There will be moments when you have tendency to be much more vague than normal and you should take care. It would be good if you start doing any sporting activity to avoid these trends lethargy.
You might make a trip in 2009 and also that buying a car (or other vehicle) again.
On balance, this year will be building your future economic and clarify your love life. Everything you do or not do will influence the next years of your life and will be the basis for your future.
Your Archangel Raphael is called.
Regent is your planet Venus.
Your Angel PROTECTOR is Anael, eliminates fluctuations in your inner life and gives you will achieve your desires for beauty and harmony. The gift that gives you is patience and beauty. Mantram or word of power, and Jachino eee.
From http: //www.microcaos.net/en /paranormal/ horoscopo-del-2009/

您的購買力將大大增加,但不超過您的開支。始終認為在您的未來。您的職業生涯將是一個聯絡點,在一月至四月,是覺得最強烈的影響,變化小的革命。 5月,變化在您的人將越來越激烈,針對再生過程和內部的增長。為下個月reforzadores您的財務狀況,決策非常成功,做其他輕微的調整。
從9月至11月,優良的時間,把有關的一切工作,成功和金錢。宇宙將微笑和給你一個機會,一個突破。感傷的關係正在經歷深刻的變化和良好的決定,權衡形勢和解決不論它是否值得繼續與該人,如果他們超過trance ,將得到鞏固,超過歐洲聯盟。今年結束的概述側重於您的工作和一切有關的新技術和廣告。即使您不創建您的投資增長緩慢,為您的口味,但增長。
您可能會作出之旅在2009年和也認為,買車(或其他車輛) 。

(4.21 - 5.20) Taurus




ARIESMarch 21-April 19
You start the year with foot and good fortune you still smiling.They continue to change your level of mentality and philosophy of life.For the Aries 2009 is a year of cooperation and collaboration and you have to have more patience with your partner and your friends.You may have to rethink your partnership and sacrifice some of your independence in order to save a relationship.Your partner asks for more commitment, and you have to decide whether you're willing to give it or not. Overall this year will be one of stability and happiness except during July, October and November when you may have suffered a disappointment.The Aries who has no partner may still see as a simple friendship becomes a love story.
Your family life is very stable and you will bring great joy during 2009 because all family members enjoy a period of harmony, support and togetherness very special.Parents with children will have to solve various problems during the year, but generally you get it successfully.
Begun to be more candid with yourself and with others, and although sometimes you can reach your sincerity disarming others, you will feel better and more consistent with yourself.
At the end of the year, you might be inclined to belong to a group of social support, spiritual group or organization for any reason you conmueva or you just create.In the field emotional're in touch with what you really think is important in life and need extra time away from the external things you away from what they really want to create in your life.
In health matters, the year 2009 is a good year for Aries in general.The months in the making them more vulnerable to potential health problems will be June, July and November.
The Aries will travel somewhat during 2009, but are mostly short trips, both in distance and duration.In December 2009 the Sun, Mars and Merurio will be in its eighth home and this will be the best month for a longer trip.
Saturn has shifted to the sixth home from work and health of Aries and bring all kinds of new possibilities and professional until autumn 2009.You are very positive changes in your work through the Jupiter encounter with Pluto in your house working tenth The presence of Jupiter and Saturn helps you build a strong base in your finances.In March could lay the platform of good business and your economic future.Learn how to manage your money and administrarte in a very clever.In April and May, will continue the activity in your money sector, with more emphasis will still reviewing your property, changing behaviors that you do not agree and organizándote for the future.As long as you avoid seeing involved in power struggles and disputes in your workplace, achieving substantial progress in the professional field.It is quite possible that achieving a promotion in your work.Aries For those who have a political post office or other public service, there is much chance of achieving fame, recognition and respect for the work they do.Maybe you offer a position more important than your current position.
Thanks to the favourable position of Jupiter, is a year for great studies.The Aries will have to consider that during 2009 achieved excellent results.In fact, is a better year for Aries terms of career advancement and / or academic from the standpoint of financial gains.It was a good year to invest money in a fund or a real estate investment.
By June you take your close relatives and related activities that had stopped at the side.On the other hand, you will make some adjustments in the way you talk and communicate.By July Centra you in your home and you do a restructuring, which will help you create an environment more harmonious and full of positive energies.In early August, will be a season conducive to take care of children and activate your creative side.Moments of fun, your imagination and your inspiration will be the maximum, until you could create something inspiring an unusual beauty.
Your Archangel Raphael is called. Regent is your planet Venus. Your spiritual PROTECTOR is the Archangel Samael and helps transform the fears and anxieties in confidence.The gift that gives you self-esteem is, why your password is â € ~ I am, 'Your word of power: AOM.
http: //www.microcaos.net/en/paranormal/horoscopo-del-2009/

白羊座 3月21日至4月19日 您啟動年與足部和良好的財富,你還有微笑。 他們繼續以變更您的水平,心態和人生哲學。 為白羊座,到2009年,是年的合作與協作,你必須有更多的耐心與您的合作夥伴和您的朋友。 您可能必須重新考慮你的夥伴關係和犧牲一些你的獨立,為了節省的關係。 您的夥伴要求更多的承諾,你必須決定是否您願意給它或不。 整體今年將是一個穩定和幸福,除了在七月,十月及十一月,當您可能受到令人失望。 該白羊座誰沒有夥伴,仍然可以看到,作為一個簡單的友誼,成為一個愛情故事。 您的家庭生活是很穩定,你就會帶來巨大的喜悅,到2009年期間,因為所有家庭成員享有一個時期的和諧,支持和團結非常特殊。 父母與子女將要解決的各種問題,在這一年裡,但一般來說,您獲得成功。 開始更坦誠的與自己和與他人,雖然有時可以達到您的誠意,解除別人,你會覺得更好和更一致的,與自己。 在今年年底前,你可能傾向於同屬一組的社會支持,精神團體或組織以任何理由,你conmueva或您剛剛創建。 在該領域emotional're接觸,與你真的覺得是非常重要的生活和需要額外的時間,遠離外部的東西,你離他們真正想要建立在你的生活。 在健康事宜, 2009年是一個很好的一年白羊座的一般問題。 幾個月內,在使他們更容易受到潛在的健康問題將是六月,七月和十一月。 該白羊座將旅行期間,到2009年,但大多是短途乘客,無論在距離和時間。 在2009年12月,太陽,火星和merurio將在其第八家和這將是表現最好的一個月為一較長的行程。 土星已轉移到第六下班回家和健康的白羊座,並帶來各種新的可能性和專業,直到2009年秋季。 您是非常積極的變化,在你的工作,通過木星遇到的與冥王星在您的內部工作第十在場的木星和土星幫助您建立一個堅實的基礎,在您的財政狀況。 在三月可以奠定了平台良好的營商和你的經濟前途。 了解如何管理您的金錢和administrarte在一個很聰明的。 在4月和5月,將繼續活動,在您的錢,部門,更多地強調仍然會審查您的財產,改變行為,你不同意和organizándote為未來作好準備。 只要你避免看到在涉及權力鬥爭和糾紛,在您的工作,取得了實質性進展,在其專業領域。 這是很有可能實現促進你的工作。 白羊座對於誰有政治郵政局或其他公共服務,是有很大的機會實現名利,承認和尊重,他們所做的工作。 也許你提供一個更重要的地位,比您現在的位置。 由於有利的地位,木星,是一個偉大的一年的研究。 該白羊座將不得不考慮在09年取得了良好的效果。 在事實上,是一個較好的一年白羊座的條款晉升和/或從學術的立場的財政收益。 這是一個很好的年投資金錢在一個基金或房地產投資。 6月將您的近親及相關活動已停在一邊。 在另一方面,你會作一些調整,在您的談話和溝通。 7月中部,你在你家和你做了調整,這將有助於你創造一個環境更加和諧和充滿積極的精力。 在八月初,將是一個賽季有利於照顧子女和激活您的創造性的一面。 時刻的樂趣,你的想像力和靈感,您將成為最大的,直到你可以創造一些鼓舞人心的一個不尋常的美感。

(3.21 - 4.20) Aries





        1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
        初六 初七 初八 初七 初八 初九 立春 十一 十二 十三 初五 初六 初七 初八 驚蟄 初十 十一
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
初九 小寒 十一 十二 十三 十四 十五 十四 十五 十六 十七 十八 十九 二十 十二 十三 十四 十五 十六 十七 十八
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
十六 十七 十八 十九 二十 廿一 廿二 廿一 廿二 廿三 雨水 廿五 廿六 廿七 十九 二十 廿一 廿二 廿三 春分 廿五
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
廿三 廿四 大寒 廿六 廿七 廿八 廿九 廿八 廿九 三十   二月大 初二 初三 初四 廿六 廿七 廿八 廿九 三十 三月小 初二
25 26 27 28 29 30 31               29 30 31        
三十 正月大 初二 初三 初四 初五 初六               初三 初四 初五        
      1 2 3 4           1 2   1 2 3 4 5 6
      初六 初七 初八 清明           初七 初八   初九 初十 十一 十二 芒種 十四
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
初十 十一 十二 十三 十四 十五 十六 初九 初十 立夏 十二 十三 十四 十五 十五 十六 十七 十八 十九 二十 廿一
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
十七 十八 十九 二十 廿一 廿二 廿三 十六 十七 十八 十九 二十 廿一 廿二 廿二 廿三 廿四 廿五 廿六 廿七 廿八
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
廿四 穀雨 廿六 廿七 廿八 廿九 四月小 廿三 廿四 廿五 廿六 小滿 廿八 廿九 夏至 三十 閏五月 初二 初三 初四 初五
26 27 28 29 30     24 25 26 27 28 29 30 28 29 30        
初二 初三 初四 初五 初六     五月大 初二 初三 初四 初五端午 初六 初七 初六 初七 初八        
      1 2 3 4             1     1 2 3 4 5
      初九 初十 十一 十二             十一     十三 十四 十五 十六 十七
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
十三 十四 小暑 十六 十七 十八 十九 十二 十三 十四 十五 十六 立秋 十八 十八 白露 二十 廿一 廿二 廿三 廿四
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
二十 廿一 廿二 廿三 廿四 廿五 廿六 十九 二十 廿一 廿二 廿三 廿四 廿五 廿五 廿六 廿七 廿八 廿九 三十 八月小
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
廿七 廿八 廿九 六月小 大暑 初三 初四 廿六 廿七 廿八 廿九 七月大 初二 初三 初二 初三 初四 秋分 初六 初七 初八
26 27 28 29 30 31   23 24 25 26 27 28 29 27 28 29 30      
初五 初六 初七 初八 初九 初十   處暑 初五 初六 初七 初八 初九 初十 初九 初十 十一 十二      
              30 31                        
    十一 十二                        
十一月 十二月
        1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7     1 2 3 4 5
        十三 十四 十五中秋 十五 十六 十七 十八 十九 二十 立冬     十五 十六 十七 十八 十九
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
十六 十七 十八 十九 寒露 廿一 廿二 廿二 廿三 廿四 廿五 廿六 廿七 廿八 二十 大雪 廿二 廿三 廿四 廿五 廿六
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
廿三 廿四 廿五 廿六 廿七 廿八 廿九 廿九 三十 十月小 初二 初三 初四 初五  廿七 廿八 廿九 十一月大 初二 初三 初四
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
九月大 初二 初三 初四 初五 霜降 初七 小雪 初七 初八 初九 初十 十一 十二 初五 初六 冬至 初八 初九 初十 十一
25 26 27 28 29 30 31 29 30           27 28 29 30 31    
初八 初九 初十 十一 十二 十三 十四 十三 十四           十二 十三 十四 十五 十六    

