

Horoscope of 2009 for Libra
born between 23 septimbre and October 22
Your home will be the first item on your agenda at the beginning of the year, minor adjustments you can move up and leave. Another good move is part romance, modifications of old patterns and finding new ways to express your love. From February to April will be most notable changes in this sector of your life, creándote some conflicts with your partner. There will also be reforms and adjustments in your family relationships, clarifies situations that were bothering you.
We emphasize your relationships with others and expand your horizons. You learn to appreciate more and your relationships will benefit from his teachings. Between May and July will begin to be active your relations with foreign countries and travel abroad for the promotion and improvement. Your partner will be your moral support in all these companies. Your field of promotion can be seen with a lot of movement and prospects for complete regeneration.
In August, your friends will be a major part in your goals, you provide information and tips on your ascent to success. Relationships with family and your partner will continue to improve. From September to November, you will feel fuller and everything that has a connection with your partner and abroad will be benefited. Between October and November there may be some economic mismatch, it's time to carefully review your expenses and make adjustments in the budget.
In December activity will have a lot of romance and fun. Everything points to romance and adventure. Your family will accompany you in the holidays to come and give you what you'd always expected of them.
In this year trying to get rid of the fears that torment you and the skeletons stored in the closet. Tackle all for your healing space and you do so you can more easily enter happiness to your life. On the other hand your sense of aesthetics and sensitivity to change before unusual forms for you, what you felt awful yesterday, today you seem ideal. In your sentimental side, too, will draw the attention things before or passing through your mind. Int unfathomable transformation in your elected renaissance with a deeper intelligentsia.
Finally, will be a year of intellectualization and readjustment of old patterns, you will see the world through different eyes.
Your beloved is the Archangel Raphael (doctor from heaven).
Regent is your planet Venus.
Your spiritual protector is the angel of love Samael, who sees God. His action makes you receptive and responsive to the needs, yours and others, gives you the power to forgive, balances the giving and receiving. Don love. Mantram, Ham-sa.
From http: //www.microcaos.net/en /paranormal/ horoscopo-del-2009/

您的家庭將成為第一個項目就您的議事日程,在今年年初,輕微的調整你可以移動和離開。另一個好動議的一部分,是浪漫,修改的舊模式和尋找新的方法來表達你們的愛。從2月至4月將是最顯著的變化,在這個部門你的生活, creándote一些衝突與您的合作夥伴。此外還有改革和調整,在您的家庭關係,澄清了情況,被困擾了你。


(9.23 - 10.22) Libra

